Thursday, February 16, 2012

Phone Suit Primo Micro

Today i'm going to review a cool little product of mine made by Phone Suit called the Primo Micro. It is a small battery pack used to bump charge your iPhone in those situations where you need a little more juice.

The Primo Micro is small and very light weight. You can take it along with you and pop it onto your iPhone (or any product that charges with a 30 pin connector) for a 800 mAh boost. It comes in both black and white gloss finishes.

In my testing, I was able to squeek out 35% worth of battery charge with this Primo Micro. I was lightly using my iPhone during this test so under conditions where you wouldn't be using it at all (or may leave it off), I suspect seeing 40% worth of charge with this battery pack.

I recommend this product for the iPhone user who needs a small bump in power to get their phone home at the end of the day. It retails for $34.95 and is available on Phone Suit's website or other authorized retailers.

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